A Few Tips for Maintaining Your Car's Turbo Booster

5 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog


In very simple terms, a turbo booster is a type of compressor, as it compresses air before it is pulled into a vehicle's engine. Compressed air takes up less space than normal oxygen, so using a turbo booster means that more air can enter the engine compartment. With more air in the engine compartment, the engine will respond by bringing in more fuel, to balance its ratio of fuel to oxygen. With more fuel and oxygen in the engine, there will be more combustion in the chambers, so that the engine will have better pickup from a full stop, and will be able to achieve higher speeds.

While a turbo booster can be a great add-on for any vehicle, you might note a few tips on how to maintain this piece over time. This will help to avoid early breakdown, and ensure the turbo booster is always ready to provide the power you need.

Don't race the engine

It's a common habit for car and truck owners to race the engine when they start it, thinking this will help it to warm up quickly. However, a turbo booster needs lots of oil to keep it properly lubricated and cool, and this oil takes several seconds to reach the booster after the engine has started. Cold oil is also somewhat thick, and doesn't work as well to lubricate engine parts. Rather than revving the engine, allow it to idle, and give it enough time to warm up properly before you try to engage the turbo booster.

Switching off the car

A turbocharger may run under extreme heat, and it needs several seconds after it disengages to dissipate that heat. Switching off the engine right after a long drive at a high speed, or after repeatedly accelerating quickly from a full stop, may then keep the turbo booster too warm, causing damage. Let the vehicle sit and idle for several seconds after you run it before shutting off the engine, so the turbocharger can cool properly.

You also want to avoid giving the engine one last rev of gas before turning it off, for the same reason. Don't assume that you're helping to circulate more oil over the turbo booster this way; instead, you're probably just going to engage the booster faster than oil can circulate over it, and switching off the engine then stops that oil. This can allow the heat damage mentioned above. To avoid this risk, don't engage the throttle right before switching off the engine.